+7 votes
by (4,054 points)
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Hello everyone,

I'm happy to let you know that we have introduced notifications on TibiaQA. You can now get instant visibility into some crucial events: new answers on your questions, new comments in your discussions, receiving upvotes and downvotes, and answer getting selected as the best.

The notifications replaced the activity/history on your user profiles. They will no longer be displayed.

Please let us know if you encounter any problems with the new notifications.

Known limitations:

  • The notifications do not display on small resolutions for now (mobile phones) FIXED

Please also let us know what kind of new notifications would you like to see. We are currently planning on adding a notification when

  • your question is closed
  • your post is edited by someone else

Anything else you would like to be notified about? Let us know!

TibiaQA.com team

by (4,054 points)
Badges were added to notifications
by (4,054 points)
Notifications were also added for the following cases:
 * Your question or answer was edited
 * Your question was closed
 * Your question or answer was flagged
by (388 points)
I'm adding some suggestions:

   - notifications when someone down-voted the comment
   - notificantions when someone up-voted the comment
   - notifications when someone un-vote any kind of users' post
by (4,054 points)
Thanks for the suggestions. Notifications for votes on comments were added today.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (102 points)
I loved the system, especially having the notification when a new thing happens on your account. In practice (for me) I find it a bit harder to look back on past questions and reply to things that people have said. Is there any way we could still have the old 'history' part on our account page while still having the notification system you implemented?
by (4,054 points)
Thanks for the feedback, Severblade. Can you explain what are the difficulties with the new notifications? They contain more information on activities in the posts where you participated, so I'm curious to hear what could be improved.
by (102 points)
On the previous system you had to go to your account page to see what was happening. On the new one you can see you have a Notification which is really great. But the box is really small, you cant expand it where as the old system you had large history window that you could scroll through. I feel like a ahole. Apologies
by (4,054 points)
If there was a way to open those notifications on a new page, would that help?
by (102 points)
Yeah that would be fantastic. I really feel bad saying things like this because its easy for me to say 'can you/add do this' without knowing how much work goes into doing adding things but the ability to view the notifications on a separate page would be great
0 votes
by (583 points)
Really nice option, I have some time retired from all about Tibia, but I enter some times and is nice see all the progress on my old Q/A.