+1 vote
by (102 points)
edited by
Exactly what the header says. Can you hide a question you asked that recieved no feedback and ask it again?

I should add after an appropriate amount of time as passed ie. 3 months

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,054 points)
Yes, you could do that. However, the optimal solution here is that the TibiaQA itself is capable of bumping (pushing to the top) questions that haven't received a satisfying answer yet. If you look at the https://www.tibiaqa.com/activity you will notice that some questions are marked as "bumped" by the community every now and then. Those are the questions classified as questions requiring more attention than they received so far (either no answer, or the current answers are not satisfying).

We would like to continue expanding this system that automatically bumps stale questions (or even a system that allows users to push them back up themselves).

The problem with hiding and asking the question again is that you lose all points that you collected on the hidden question.

by (102 points)
Ah yes, I see what you mean. Thanks for that
by (1,027 points)
Also, a lot of users look at questions that are unanswered I think more often than browsing the list of questions already answered. You can always edit your question too :) But good question~