+9 votes
by (4,033 points)
retagged by

TibiaQA.com is proudly announcing the Outstanding Contribution contest. The goal of this contest is to promote and reward high-quality content and improvements made on TibiaQA.

Contest rules

  • The contest runs from 18. September 2020 00:01 CET, until 11. October 2020 23:59 CEST
  • Users participate by asking, answering, and improving the TibiaQA knowledge base and submitting their question, answer, or improvement in this topic
  • Each user can submit only one question, one answer, and one improvement for this contest
  • All posted content must follow TibiaQA guidelines
  • TibiaQA.com team cannot participate in the contest

Contest entry template

In order to participate, please submit your question, your answer, and your improvement in this topic, using the following template. You can submit a maximum of one question, one answer, and one improvement. You can also submit an entry with just one or two chosen categories. The contest entries (questions, answers, improvements) need to be posted/performed during the duration of the contest visible above. Contributions made before/after the given period cannot participate.

Outstanding Contribution contest entry

Question: <link>

Answer: <link>

Improvement: <link>


  • Questions:  We are looking for interesting, insightful, well-researched questions that follow the guidelines available here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/asking-how-to-ask
  • Answers:  We are looking for good answers that follow our guidelines, especially for stale questions, and those that lack good quality answers: https://www.tibiaqa.com/answering-how-to-answer
  • Improvement:  It could be an edit, a comment, a suggestion, a bug report... anything that aims to improve the TibiaQA knowledge base

Picking the winning entries:

  • Top 3 entries from each category (question, answer, improvement) will be forwarded to CMs and fansite admins for voting
  • The CMs and fansite admins will vote for their favorite entries and choose a winner for each category (until 17. October)
  • The winning entries are announced based on the received votes from the CMs and fansite admins (until 19. October) and the winners are contacted to pick their reward and provide a character name for which they want to receive the prize for


  • Top Question: Golden warrior trophy + Elven trophy + Rune emblem of choice + 30 TibiaQA reputation points
  • Top Answer: Golden trophy of excellence + Hero's medal + Rune emblem of choice + 30 TibiaQA reputation points
  • Top Improvement: Badge of glory + Rune emblem of choice + 30 TibiaQA reputation points

In case of any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Good luck!

closed with the note: The contest is over - no further entries are accepted.
by (1,027 points)
Another question, am I allowed to add entries now but edit them later if need be or edits aren't allowed?
by (4,033 points)
Yes, you can add entries and edit them for the entire duration of the contest. Only edits made before/after the contest start/end date (18 Sep - 11 Oct) will not count.
by (10 points)
Can I make a suggestion instead of a question? I'm new to this.

Do I always need to make a post with a question, can I answer my own question/suggestion?

Thanks in advance.
by (4,033 points)
@Kelvin Kegel - if you are asking whether you can participate in this contest by just making a suggestion - yes you can. This will count towards the improvement category. To participate, please submit your entry as explained above. If you meant to ask about something else, please clarify as I might have missed it.


10 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,027 points)
edited by
by (4,033 points)
Hello, can you please post the suggestion on Meta TibiaQA (with tag "suggestion") and then add a link to it as a contest entry?
by (1,027 points)
Thank you so much for your comment. Didn't even think of doing that. :)
0 votes
by (161 points)
edited by

Outstanding Contribution contest entry

ANSWER: How to obtain a trapped hyaena?

by (4,033 points)

A valid contest entry contains only links and follows the template. Please edit the post accordingly - thanks!
by (161 points)
Ahh, okay. It's ok now?
by (4,033 points)
Yep :) Thanks!
0 votes
by (116 points)
edited by
by (4,033 points)
as per the first post:

The contest entries (questions, answers, improvements) need to be posted/performed during the duration of the contest visible above. Contributions made before/after the given period cannot participate.
by (116 points)
Ah ok , I was bit confused about this contest. I will edit it with content suitable to the rules , thanks for the advice
0 votes
by (149 points)
edited by

Outstanding Contribution Contest Entry

Can eating a Demonic Candy Ball turn you into The Mutated Pumpkin?

How long does it take to get Hunting Task Rewards?

The improvement I would suggest is the to resolve tables going outside the borders of a page like in my answer here. Either by having a horizontal scrollbar or maybe there would be another solution.

by (1,027 points)
edited by
Another question @ Ello- I've already suggested previewing our own posts here on Jan 8th, is this suggestion valid? Also, the rules state we're only allowed to suggest one improvement. https://meta.tibiaqa.com/1234/previewing-our-own-posts
by (4,033 points)
Yes, I'm afraid we cannot accept this improvement, as it already has been posted before and there's more than one. Moreover, the suggestion should be posted as a new topic (with "suggestion" tag) on Meta TibiaQA
by (149 points)
I didn't know the preview one was already posted back in January and my intention was just to get the others down for you to see while having the main suggestion as the one to count for the contest. Either way I made adjustments and hopefully it is all fine now.
0 votes
by (388 points)
edited by
0 votes
by (18 points)

Outstanding Contribution contest entry

Answer: https://www.tibiaqa.com/20070/how-long-does-blood-stay-on-the-floor

0 votes
by (276 points)

Outstanding Contribution contest entry

ANSWER: How to search for books about a specific NPC?

0 votes
by (12 points)
0 votes
by (74 points)

Outstanding Contribution Contest entry

Answer: What Items/Equipment should I have as a 500+ MS?
