+1 vote
by (4,054 points)
retagged by

Hi everyone,

today we have added flag reasons to Tibia Q&A site. Flag reasons are not enabled on Meta (for now). Upon flagging any post, you will now be requested to select a reason, and optionally provide more details for flagging the post. The reason and additional details are displayed to all the users viewing the post, so try to be as specific as possible explaining what is the problem with the post, so an appropriate action (editing, closing, deleting) can be taken. For duplicate questions, always link to the question that the flagged question is a duplicate of.

The reason selection screen looks like:

And the flagged post:

If you encounter any problems with the new feature or have any questions, feel free to raise them in this topic.

Best regards
The TibiaQA.com team

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (583 points)
Any think on apply it on votes?