+2 votes
by (4,054 points)
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Hello everyone!

A few days ago we have published a new Moderation Center for users with 500+ reputation points.

The goal of this page is to group moderation activities on one page to make it easier for users to find the moderation tools and make it easier to understand what moderation actions the users can, and are encouraged to take.

The question to all of you is - how can this page be improved? What new moderation tools could be available there? What additional information could we show to help with moderation? Is each of the moderation tasks easy enough to complete (e.g. when to approve/reject questions, when and how to close questions)?

All of your feedback is very welcome!

The TibiaQA.com team

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (583 points)
  • How can this page be improved?

Even if english is the language used on site, a explain of the Moderation Center in spanish, portuguese and polish to me is better way than only have it on english.

+1 vote
by (1,027 points)
  • How can this page be improved?

I don't see any need for any improvements because it's all self-explanatory and all my questions are answered there

  • What new moderation tools could be available there?

Recently downvoted posts? I would like to be up to date to see if I agree with the downvotes faster. I know under questions it has the most votes, but would be interesting to see the most downvoted or recent so we can encourage other opinions. Sometimes it's hard to browse through all the questions and answers.

  • What additional information could we show to help with moderation?

Recently downvoted posts

  • Is each of the moderation tasks easy enough to complete (e.g. when to approve/reject questions, when and how to close questions)?

