+14 votes
by (4,054 points)
closed by

Hello TibiaQA users!

We are happy to announce the sixth edition of our Winter Lottery event! Every active user of TibiaQA participates!

Event rules

  • The event runs from 1. December 2023 00:01 CET, until 29. December 2023 23:59 CET
  • All TibiaQA registered users with confirmed e-mail addresses participate in the event
  • All users who wrote at least 10 valid posts (questions or answers) on TibiaQA during the mentioned period will be automatically enrolled in the lottery (activity on meta.tibiaqa.com is not tracked and not considered)
  • Content that goes against the Help Center guide and content that brings absolutely no value (eg. "nice question", "me too") can be removed without notice and will not be counted
  • All users who qualified for the lottery will be announced on 31. December 2023 at the latest, together with the link to the lottery on tibiopedia.pl/tools/lottery
  • The lottery will be scheduled to draw on 1. January 2024 20:00 CET
  • Winners will be available on tibiopedia.pl/tools/lottery  in the provided link and will also be announced on TibiaQA.com
  • You may own only one TibiaQA account. We reserve the right to disqualify all users who attempt to cheat.


The top 5 places in the lottery will receive the following prizes:

  1. Omniscient Owl
  2. Rune emblem of choice + Santa Backpack
  3. Rune emblem of choice
  4. Rune emblem of choice
  5. Rune emblem of choice

Good luck!
The TibiaQA.com team

closed with the note: The lottery is over
by (31 points)
Can I write a question and answer it by myself? I found some cool stories that haven't been discussed here and probably not many player would ever find about that any time soon.
by (4,054 points)
by (15 points)
moved by
Should all questions/answers be in English only?
by (4,054 points)
@kevinsabag - yes

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,054 points)
edited by
Best answer

Lottery link - https://tibiopedia.pl/tools/lottery/12330

Users qualified for the lottery

Lottery #UserNumber of posts
9.Trululu Gumdrops14
19.Raven Branwen10

Good luck everyone!

Update 30 Dec, 22:50 CET - There was a problem with a script counting user posts, which caused some of the content posted on the last day of the event (29 December) to not be discovered. We re-run the check to make sure that users who posted on the last day are included too. Three users who properly qualified to the lottery were missed in the original list, but are now added - AnneFearless, Pochwalona and howcio. Due to this fact, the lottery on Tibiopedia was re-created, so that it contains the correct number of lottery tickets.

by (31 points)
Quite high chances to be in TOP5 ^^
Good luck everyone!
by (4,054 points)
UPDATE!  There was a problem with a script counting user posts, which caused some of the content posted on the last day of the event (29 December) to not be discovered. We re-run the check to make sure that users who posted on the last day are included too. Three users who properly qualified to the lottery were missed in the original list, but are now added - AnneFearless, Pochwalona and howcio. Due to this fact, the lottery on Tibiopedia was re-created, so that it contains the correct number of lottery tickets.
by (22 points)
oh thank you! I wanted to ask but i was to ashamed to do so :$ :D GL everyone!
by (4,054 points)
Mistakes happen, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns :)
by (1,027 points)
Gl everyone so fun to see a lot of people!
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