+4 votes
by (3,961 points)
closed by

The voting is over and the final results are in!

Top questions

  1. Zupakode - What are the best charms for each vocation?
    Prize: Golden trophy of excellence + Rune Emblem of choice + 50 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  2. Maleigihas  - Which ground type is the fastest and the slowest to travel?
    Prize: Silver trophy of excellence + Rune Emblem of choice + 25 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  3. Cadsy -  What creatures are worth to kill in rapid respawn weekend to get charm points (bestiary)?
    Prize: Bronze trophy of excellence + Rune Emblem of choice + 10 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA

Top answers

  1. elkolorado - Answer to: What is the thickest book?
    Prize: Golden warrior trophy + Rune Emblem of choice + 50 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  2. Zupakode - Answer to: Does every quest on Tibia has an understandable "RPG basis"?
    Prize: Silver warrior trophy+ Rune Emblem of choice + 25 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  3. Rauros Storage - Answer to: What are the best charms for each vocation?
    Prize: Bronze warrior trophy + Rune Emblem of choice + 10 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA

The bonus TibiaQA points will be added today. Winners will be contacted via the e-mail they registered with to pick their rune emblem of choice. Congratulations!

closed with the note: The contest is over and the prizes have been sent
by (274 points)
Congratulations to the winners! I'm happy that the question that generated @Zupakode rewarded answer was made by me :) He is a really nice person.

Just curious: Did I have more entries selected among the 10 ones for answers and questions? I really tried to put effort on the website this last month, generating interesting and relevant content to be discussed (not to mention things that I literally had no idea and was eager to see what could be the answer)

I'm honestly curious about it, not trying to accuse or imply that the winners weren't valid contributions (all of them were pretty outstanding).
by (3,961 points)
Yes, you had entries in top 10 questions and top 10 answers - the final voting was done by other fansite admins and CMs. Thanks for the great contributions, and hopefully you can join us for another edition of this contest :)
by (274 points)
You're welcome! If I had time to, I certainly would have invested even more time here. Too bad I had a quite busy month (couldn't even play this past month)... I certainly will pay attention to other opportunities in the future :)

4 Answers

0 votes
by (115 points)
:DDDDD Congrats to all winners !
0 votes
by (14 points)
Yupiiii! :D My first prize in contest ever. Will winners be contacted today via email?

Congratz to Everyone :)
by (3,961 points)
Yes, the e-mails have just been sent.
by (14 points)
reshown by
Thank You! :) May we expect prizes delivery today or it's gonna be processed later? Sorry for so many questions, but I am very excited :D
by (3,961 points)
Prizes are sent by CipSoft, so I don't have any control over that. I think this should be early next week, but no promises.
0 votes
by (31 points)
Nice questions and answers! Congrats to all the winners!
0 votes
by (12 points)
Congratz to all winners! :D

Great contest!
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