+6 votes
by (4,033 points)
closed by

Hello everyone!

TibiaQA.com is proudly announcing the Fansite Banner Design contest! The goal of this contest is to design a banner that will be used to identify TibiaQA on other fansites and on the official website.

Contest rules:

  • the contest runs from 16. September 2019 00:00 CEST until 6. October 2019 23:59 CEST
  • the fansite banner suggestions must be posted as an answer to this topic
  • the fansite banner suggestions must comply with the technical/content details provided below
  • there's no limit to the number of suggestions one player can make
  • requests for clarification can be made as comments to this topic; answers should only be used to submit a contest entry

Technical details:

  • Size: 150px x 100px
  • Format: gif
  • Max weight: 65KB

Content details:

  • The banner must feature the Omniscient Owl (fansite item of TibiaQA); an in-game sprite can be used, but a re-drawn image that fits the banner style has much higher chances of winning
  • The banner should say "TibiaQA" or "TibiaQA.com" in any place
  • The banner can use minor animations (no heavy blinking etc.)
  • And of course, the banner should fit the TibiaQA style and be a good representation of the fansite
  • TibiaQA.com logos and other graphical materials can be freely used and are available for download here.

Prizes (as selected by other fansite admins and CMs)

  1. Golden Trophy of Excellence + Nightmare doll + Rune emblem of choice
  2. Silver Trophy of Excellence + Vampire doll + Rune emblem of choice
  3. Bronze Trophy of Excellence + Teddy bear + Rune emblem of choice

    Special prize (an entry selected as an official banner for TibiaQA by the TibiaQA.com staff)

    • Omniscient Owl

    Picking winners procedure:

    • The top 6 entries selected by the TibiaQA.com staff will be sent to the fansite admins and CMs for voting. Their votes will determine the 3 winners.
    • In addition to the above, the TibiaQA.com staff will select one entry on its own that will replace the current fansite banner and become the new official banner of TibiaQA. It can be any entry from the pre-selected top 6. The special prize for this is the Omniscient Owl.


    • Any entries submitted in this contest can be freely modified and used by the TibiaQA.com team at any time for the purpose of representing and advertising the TibiaQA.com fansite

    Good luck to all of the participants!
    TibiaQA.com team.

    closed with the note: The contest is over. We will announce the winners soon!
    by (388 points)
    @Zupakode How many first places in fansite's contest you won, that you think it is so easy to do? ;) Hehe...
    @lehula dohon I don't see anything wrong with making contest, where you have to do something that requires some skills :o
    by (116 points)
    Is not easy to win contest but I think is harder to get 4000 points.
    by (388 points)
    edited by
    Imo - nope, because contribution systems are based on being active, you're getting points and you're 100% sure that sooner or later you'll get the item. In contest you never know, and there's only one person who win :) I know people who wanted to win Midnight Panther Doll in 2015, they still trying without any results. Be respectful for somebody's work.
    by (161 points)
    moved by
    it's a shame you can't design it on a piece of paper.

    11 Answers

    +3 votes
    by (85 points)
    selected by
    Best answer



    BANNER 1

    BANNER 2

    BANNER 3

    BANNER 4

    BANNER 5

    BANNER 6

    Hope you like :) 

    All the submissions and its animations are editable / combinable. Just in case.

    Lupus Aurelius - Talera

    EDIT: added a new version (banner 1)

    EDIT 2: added blinking version (banner 5)

    EDIT: 3: added blinking version 2 (banner 6)

    by (85 points)
    - Thank you @Krisph. I experience joy when people notice the details. Pixelart <3

    - Thank you @Loreffy <3

    - Thank you @lehula dohon <3. I'm glad you like my works. About the claws, yes, this was intended. I like agressive owls ahaha

    - @achiru: you seem to be a noble spirit. Btw, I saw your works on Nabbot, you are very talented.

    -@Ellotris Guardian. Thank you. Roger that. I will put hands to work.
    by (85 points)
    @ Ellotris Guardian: Check BANNER 5.
    by (85 points)
    Just made another blinking version more alike the BANNER 3. Check BANNER 6
    by (37 points)
    Cheers lad ^^ surprised someone would recognise me from there :D , if you don't win this one we'll start a riot
    +3 votes
    by (26 points)
    edited by

    Hello friends, these are my proposals.




    Banner 1:
    Banner 2:
    Banner 3:
    Banner 4:
    Banner 5:
    Banner 6:

    Good luck to everyone - Helvans Solidera.





    by (26 points)
    Thank you all for your comments, I will continue working on a couple more versions

    by (4,033 points)
    I think the fifth one would look better if the owl was still and just blinking
    by (26 points)
    In the next proposals I will do so
    by (26 points)
    added two more proposals
    +2 votes
    by (22 points)
    edited by

    Hello! this is my entry!, good luck to everyone

    first the normal version in all his glory 

    Without accessories :D

    and now, the gif version in all is little glory :D

    Without accessories as suggested :D


    by (578 points)
    Really good details. but I dont like the hat because the item font have it.
    by (22 points)
    Thanks for the feedback!, in a few minutes I'm uploading one without the accessories hehe
    by (51 points)
    I liked a lot the version without the hat and glasses. Very hard decision between your and Lupus art hehe
    +1 vote
    by (578 points)
    edited by

    First try, with the current Logo of TibiaQA and Fansite Item (Omniscient Owl) (Sitting in the TibiaQA Logo and moving wings).

    Second try, with the current Logo TibiaQA and Fansite Item (Omniscient Owl) (Flying to the TibiaQA Logo).

    Third try, with the current Logo TibiaQA and Fansite Item (Omniscient Owl) more bigger (Sitting on TibiaQA Logo and moving wings).

    Fourth try, .

    Good luck to all participants.

    by (114 points)
    Very nice! :]
    +1 vote
    by (116 points)
    edited by

      1º Entry 





    2º Entry





    3º Entry 





    Examples hardcoded on Tibia.com:

    First entry with the link of website and flying and stand owl:

    Note: that cut in the animation is because of the gif image sample , in production it will looks fluent like the original gif.

    Updated new versions

    by (116 points)
    Editted :3, I uploaded my first version , I know the size is above the rules atm  but im working on next version
    by (99 points)
    I like first banner but in my opinion it looks a little weird when this owl try to fly..maybe you can make one banner only with effect when owl jump?
    by (116 points)
    okay I will try
    by (116 points)
    I made one in the second row like you said , you mean that? you think now is better or should I improve it?
    +1 vote
    by (37 points)
    edited by

     My little crappy attempt that gave me way too much of a headache, but I thought I might as well post it ^^.

    Animated version :)

     ver.3  changes eye colors to those of TibiaQa when blinking :)

    by (91 points)
    Looks great! ^^
    The animated version is above 65KB though, have you tried compressing it or making some changes?
    by (37 points)
    Thanks,  and I appreciate that you saw it's above 65kb so I made a new simpler version ^^
    by (51 points)
    the third version was really good
    by (37 points)
    thanks a lot :)
    +1 vote
    by (91 points)
    edited by

    Hey there!

    I have made two versions:

    Pixel Version 54KB

    The players resemble Tibias Fanbase, where they ask a question, hence the ( ? ).
    The Omniscient Owl (representing TibiaQA) then answers the question, hence the ✔️
    The players in the banner is in no way supposed to resemble any player from within the game.

    Drawing Version 57KB

    My own version of the Omniscient Owl, added in the banner along with its magical effect!

    TibiaQA Staff, feel free to use my owl for whatever, after all it was drawn for TibiaQA smiley

    by (51 points)
    I have to say I liked your work, the pixel version is nice
    by (578 points)
    Hope see it in the first place!
    by (388 points)
    Pixel version is awesome, indeed! :D
    +1 vote
    by (18 points)

    Hi guys

    Here is my entry

    Tibia QA - U can do all the questions and find all the answers about everything ON TIBIA (Quest, addons, cook recipe, atlas...)

    Hope u like.

    by (37 points)
    Maybe add a dark outline around the text? Because it blends too much with the wooden arrows and it's super hard to read. Other than that good job :)
    by (18 points)
    thanks for the tip! I will try before the deadline :DDD
    0 votes
    by (11 points)
    edited by

    Hello, here is my entry.

    by (91 points)
    Hey there! Your entry file size is 118 KB, max limit is 65KB
    Try to compress is or change a few things to make it valid for the contest ^^
    by (4,033 points)
    Thanks for catching this, Krisph!
    by (91 points)
    reshown by
    No worries, I assume that the 65 KB limit is set by Cipsoft?
    I'm working on my submission but my first banner had over 200 KB+ , so it kinda forces you to make a somewhat simple, but neat banner
    by (4,033 points)
    Correct, the limit is set by CipSoft.
    by (11 points)
    Thank you guys, I didn't saw the limit size.
    0 votes
    by (11 points)

    My proposal :D

    good lucky for all!!

    Engenheiro Paladino


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