+2 votes
by (4,033 points)
edited by

Hello everyone,

as TibiaQA is getting more and more active users, we have decided to raise the threshold to obtain the Omniscient Owl from the contribution system from 4000 to 5000 points, starting no sooner than August 2020. The exact date is not yet set, we may even push back this date a few months, depending on how many active users there will be and how many Omniscient Owls have been handed out to date. We will not change the threshold before August 2020 though!

We want the Omniscient Owl to remain somehow rare, hence the planned change.

Thanks for all of your contributions to the fansite!

Best regards,
the TibiaQA.com team

by (28 points)
The badges obtained could give reputation points.

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,033 points)
Best answer

Hello everyone,

due to the very high activity of users and the number of posed questions, answers, and casted votes, we have decided to move the date of this change to 1. June 2020 instead of August 2020 as originally planned. Starting 1. June 2020 only users who have reached 5000 points will be eligible to receive the Omniscient Owl from the contribution system.

the TibiaQA.com team

by (74 points)
Hi Ellotris,

I understood your point but In my humble opinion the time I has been here there is not so much people that make questions, it should have a better reward for the people that make the question, the difference is really notable.
Post a question 1 point, Select an Answer 1 point.
Post a answer 1 point, When your answer is select as the best 10 points.

The mostly time the people wait for a question and rush to answer, but as we can see is at the moment there is a considerable difference between Questions 2,696 and Answers 4,909.

I mostly of the time do make question, I like to know more about tibia and this month I learned many things that I couldn't event imagine before, I really appreciate that.

But would be good to reconsiderer it.
by (4,033 points)
Hello Oriibsz, thanks for the feedback! While it's true that answers are awarded slightly more points, it's important to remember that posting good answers is generally more difficult than posting good questions.
+1 vote
by (102 points)
Just as a suggestion, no matter how you want to approach the points part, you could also add a 'time belonging to the website' condition. Such as 'points rewarded + one year membership' gets you the Owl as an example

Would show contributing and long term loyalty.
by (4,033 points)
I think this is a very nice idea to consider. It would also discourage users to quickly get a lot of points, as they would need to wait some time anyways.
0 votes
by (161 points)
On the one hand understandable to dishonest, but on the other hand so many people devote their daily time to help and is unfair to them.
by (4,033 points)
This is exactly why the change was announced this early (over 7 months). The users you mentioned made around 2000-3000 points last 4 months. If they keep the pace, they will already be at 5000-6000 points by August :)
by (68 points)
edited by
Aw cute! I hope so! It is getting harder everyday
by (388 points)
Well, on GuildStats problem was solved very easily - new regulations were only for new users or those, who didn't achieve a certain ammount of points (for example half).
by (68 points)
pochwalona's idea would be a good solution indeed
0 votes
by (1,027 points)
I understand about you changing it from 4,000 to 5,000 and I appreciate you giving us a timeline for you changing it. I wish there were more active users so we can answer more questions. I was inactive for months but now that I'm back I'm simply addicted and I actually am learning a lot about Tibia so thank you for this one of a kind fansite.
0 votes
by (35 points)
Not going to lie, the Omniscient Owl is a huge goal and it encourage people to use the website.

But sometimes I ask myself if I'm approaching the website wrongly. I tend to check the website multiple times but I only contribute when I feel that it'll be significant. For me Quality is way better than quantity and I fear that this rise will may decrease quality.

Not every valid question is a desired question in my personal view. It's discouraging to enter the website and be floated with with many useless questions / answers from the same person.
by (37 points)
I feel the same way, and also the fact that there's less and less questions because of the website having such a giant database of them. This makes it hard to gain points without being obnoxious.
by (1,027 points)
I do agree its hard. I have a lot of questions I want to ask but most of them are already answered so you really need to dig deep to ensure you're not repeating a question.
by (4,033 points)
I do agree with your point about not every technically valid question being desired. There are many questions you could come up with that are valid under the site guidelines, but at the same time bring minimal to none value to the community. Our guidelines state that the content we feel is useless to the community can be voted-down and for me, this applies to the scenario you described. Of course, if someone asks many questions and they all seem useful, I'd be fine with that and may even up-vote all of them.
When I approach judging how useful the content may be, I ask myself how likely it is that this question will be searched for by other users. Will it live on and generate several page views every day? Or will it rest on the last pages of the question list not visited by anyone? For most of the questions, I find it easy to make such a call, but obviously this is only a prediction and this is later on verified by actual question views counter.
0 votes
by (43 points)
Just curiosity what happens if someone reach 4000 points in 1. June or 30. May? The person still need to get more 1000 points in this case?
by (4,033 points)
On May, 30 you get the Omniscient Owl for 4000 points
On June, 1 you don't get Omniscient Owl for 4000 points - you require 5000.
by (43 points)
Ok, thanks for answer :)