+4 votes
by (1,027 points)
retagged by
I'm not sure if there's an issue or not because I don't think I get notified when someone unvotes me or deselects me from best. Whether someone deselected a best answer or unvoted a question, answer, or comment I believe we should get notified. Id like to suggest that we be able to get alerted if this is the case because it makes us want to improve.
by (1,027 points)
@ Ellotris: Can you confirm if this is an actual bug? I don't think I get notified if I get unvoted or deselected the best answer.
by (4,033 points)
edited by
@shawtay - no, that's not a bug - we didn't have such notifications, still, it's a great suggestion to introduce them.
by (4,033 points)
I'll add that the same has already been suggested a couple of months ago via e-mail and since then we are considering the addition of this notification.
by (1,027 points)
Awesome! Will this still count towards the contest?
by (4,033 points)
Yes, it will, although completely new and innovative suggestions will be in favour.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,033 points)
selected by
Best answer

Thanks for the suggestion - this was implemented today.

Notifications are sent if a downvote or an upvote is removed from your question, answer, or comment. You will also receive notification if your answer is unselected as the best.

Let us know if anything doesn't work as expected!

by (1,027 points)
Maybe should've brought this up earlier but I just had a thought- 1) Do we get notified when your work is hidden/unhidden by users 2) Do we get notifications from TibiaQA META?
0 votes
by (102 points)
Pretty sure I get notified if it happens. If i have a best answer youve selected, feel free to change it and we can test it
by (1,027 points)
edited by
No, you don't get notified. Ellotris confirmed there are no notifications.