+1 vote
by (1,027 points)

This is happening to me frequently where I'm not able to see pictures on some questions. I know I was able to see these pictures earlier so I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm using the same updated browser, Firefox. I also tried on Chrome and my phone but they aren't loading still.

Source: What is the hardest monster to get done in the bestiary?

Source: Is there a hidden use for Essence of Wishful Thinking?

by (102 points)
can confirm, not seeing these images either
by (4,033 points)
Weird. I replaced the URLs from static.wikia.nocookie.net to vignette.wikia.nocookie.net and it started working. I have no idea why wiki started giving out links that do not work though.
by (1,027 points)
I know wiki moved to a new platform so not sure if that's the reason
by (74 points)
Heya! Hope you all doing well. Just wanted to shared that I'm still having problem to see the pics added.
by (388 points)
Yeah, same here.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,033 points)
selected by
Best answer

It seems that some changes on the Tibia Wiki side caused the problems. I compared the URLs of the images from the past and current URLs and noticed a difference:

Previous: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tibia/images/e/e1/Cluster_of_Solace.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20131204024157&path-prefix=en

Now: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tibia/images/e/e1/Cluster_of_Solace.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20131204024157&path-prefix=en

Changing static to vignette in the image URLs manually seems to be workaround that helps.

Please note, however, that the recommended way to add images is always to upload them! Images referenced by URL can stop working at any time (dependency on the server they are located on) and cause your question/answer to take longer to load since there's a need to fetch resources from an external server.

+1 vote
by (388 points)
edited by
Maybe it's not your problem, but author of the question pasted link after choosing "copy link location" not direct link to the picture. I can see exactly the same graphics.


I checked it in one of your answer - about NPC Cillia and there was a link to image from tibia.fandom. I wanted to correct it but result was the same. I guess that something is wrong with direct links to the images from this particular fansite.


On the other hand I checked tibiawiki.com.br:


Where you can see that in the end of the link is ".gif" and it works correctly.
by (1,027 points)
Weird was working before now its fine too thanks for your help! Ello fixed it