+5 votes
by (4,054 points)
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Today, we are thrilled to announce that TibiaQA has received two new features: bumping and pinning questions. Bumping a question instantly brings it back up to the top of the All activity section. Pinning a question sticks the question to the top of all the question pages.

At the moment, bumping a question is possible if you have at least 200 reputation points. You can bump a question once every 12 hours, but you can only bump questions that are at least 24 hours old and that haven't been updated for the past 24 hours.

Pinning a question is possible if you have at least 1000 reputation points. You can pin a question once every 7 days, and the question will remain pinned for 12 hours. Similar to bumping, you can only pin questions that are at least 24 hours old. The maximum number of questions that can be pinned at the same time is 3. Any further pins will be queued and pinned as soon as a slot becomes available.

Community Moderators can bump and pin questions regardless of the reputation points and the cooldown. However other restrictions apply to them as well.

A new article in the Help Center has been created that explains bumping and pinning questions.

The number of required reputation points, cooldown duration, and pin duration are subject to further adjustments. We will evaluate how those features are used and adapt as needed.

We hope that those new additions will further contribute to the quality of content available on TibiaQA. They can be used to highlight a question that hasn't received a satisfying answer yet or if you believe some further research on a question is necessary. Bumping and pinning questions allow more users to discover and look at them.

As always, we are eager to hear your thoughts!

Best regards,
The TibiaQA.com team

by (1,027 points)
edited by
Do you think pinned questions should also be in all recent activity or just recent questions and answers? I think I like it just in the question and answer section but am curious as to what others think. If you bump a question it gets hidden under pinned in all activity section is why I'm thinking it should just remain in recent questions and answers and also I love to view recent activity
by (4,054 points)
Agreed - this will also give more power to bumps. I removed pinned questions from the activity page.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (276 points)
Interesting. I'm curious how this new mechanic will work out on TibiaQA. I pinned one interesting question for the test.
+2 votes
by (167 points)
I actually like the feature. It will help to refresh some of the answers and bring the interesting questions or even answers again in the light:)
by (276 points)
Haha! It works. Welcome to the "Great question" club ;)
by (167 points)
Yes :D thank you for that!:) I can see you having fun with it same as me :D
+2 votes
by (1,027 points)
Tested it out myself! Awesome :)
+1 vote
by (583 points)
The bump old question is really good option, but with the pin im little afraid to see the front page just full on pinned questiom in future, anyway is really good one too (Probably ask 2k point and not just 1k).
by (4,054 points)
In order to prevent too many pinned questions, only 3 can be pinned at a time. If further pins are made they will be placed in a queue and wait until one of those 3 spots becomes available.