+9 votes
by (4,054 points)
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TibiaQA.com is proudly announcing the Tibia Expert contest! The goal of this contest is to promote knowledge sharing and reward players who are willing to share their expertise with others. The contest also serves as a reminder that answering your own questions is not only allowed, but highly encouraged.

How to participate?

  1. Browse through existing questions on TibiaQA and assess what content it might be missing
  2. Ask a new and interesting question that hasn't been asked before
  3. Provide an answer to your own question
  4. Post a link to your question & answer on this topic (max 3 entries per user)

Contest rules:

  • The contest runs from 16. September 2022 00:01 CEST, until 16. October 2022 23:59 CEST
  • Users participate by asking and answering their own questions, and then submitting their entries as detailed in the section above - How to participate
  • All posted content must follow the TibiaQA guidelines - answers that fail to do so will be removed and will not participate in the contest
  • Questions that have already been asked on TibiaQA will be closed as duplicates and won't participate in the contest
  • TibiaQA.com staff cannot participate in the contest


  1. Omniscient OwOmniscient Owll + Yellow Rose + Golden Trophy of Excellence + Rune emblem of choice + 75 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  2. Silver Trophy of Excellence + Hero's medal + Rune emblem of choice + 50 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  3. Bronze Trophy of Excellence + Elven trophy + Rune emblem of choice + 25 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA

Picking top entries:

  • The top 6 entries will be selected by the TibiaQA.com team and forwarded to the CMs and fansite admins
  • The selection will be based on
  • The CMs and fansite admins will vote for their favorite answers from the top 6
  • The winning answers are announced based on the received votes from the CMs and fansite admins (estimate - 24. October) and the winners are announced on Meta TibiaQA

Feel free to post a comment under this topic in case of any questions regarding the contest!

Good luck!
The TibiaQA.com team.

Don't forget to link your entries in this topic to participate!

closed with the note: The contest is over. We will announce the winners in around a week.
by (276 points)
moved by
Great news :) I wish you all the best of luck.
by (1,027 points)
Good Luck to all :)
by (180 points)
if there's other instance of this event ever my recommendation is allowing us answer question of ourselves that were asked before and still are unanswered, feels weird as it is right now, IMO discourage a bit to participate in the days of the event.
by (276 points)
Perhaps the maximum character limit should also be increased? I see someone already had a problem with this.

18 Answers

+1 vote
by (16 points)
edited by
This is my first entry: https://www.tibiaqa.com/31520/nemesis-bosses-different-strategies-maximize-bosstiary-points-killing

Sadly I had to strip away a lot of links/details and worsen the formatting in general due to the 20k characters limit. But I believe the core of the useful information remains there :)

Here is my second entry: https://www.tibiaqa.com/31534/how-should-read-the-speed-breakpoints-table-and-does-affect-game-visually
by (16 points)
Edited to include my second entry :)
+1 vote
by (17 points)
+1 vote
by (161 points)

Of course I always glad to join events on my fav fansite ;3

Tynusiiaa / Antica

1. https://www.tibiaqa.com/31562/which-creatures-can-you-transform-and-get-different-monsters-bestiary

+1 vote
by (16 points)
edited by

Char: Ca milla / Server: Havera

Hi, im posting my entry, hope you like it.

What are the differences and benefits of each vocation?

+1 vote
by (18 points)
Hey, here is my entry for the Tibia Expert Contest


Character: Yalthus

Server: Yonabra

Thanks TibiaQA!!
0 votes
by (11 points)

This is my Question for Tibia Expert Contest , thank you for participating.
by (1,027 points)
Hello, thank you for your entry but you need to ask a question and then answer it. So you just need to answer the question you entered with.