+6 votes
by (4,046 points)
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Please see an update on the contest results here - https://meta.tibiaqa.com/2929/update-on-the-question-revival-v-contest-winners

Hello everyone,

the voting is over and I'm happy to announce the winners of the Question Revival V contest. Our top 6 answers have been preselected and forwarded to CMs and other fansite admins for voting. Here are the final results of their votes:

  1. This answer to "How to obtain a pilot licence in order to buy a flying carpet?"
    Author: Fanjita
    Prize: Pick one: Yellow Rose OR Omniscient Owl + Golden Warrior Trophy
  2. This answer to "What places and items are reachable through hidden mechanisms?"
    Author: Tarik
    Prize: Remaining prize: Yellow Rose OR Omniscient Owl + Silver Warrior Trophy
  3. This answer to "How can we organize our backpack in a practical way?"
    Author: Rawex
    Prize: Badge of Glory + Rune Emblem of choice + Bronze Warrior Trophy
  4. This answer to "In which achievements can we take a shortcut and save time?"
    Author: Arcai
    Elven Trophy + Rune Emblem of choice

@Winners - please send an e-mail to tibiaqa.adm@gmail.com with your character name, game world, and the choice of your rune emblem! Make sure to use the e-mail address assigned to your TibiaQA account.


closed with the note: Please see an updated version of the announcement
by (31 points)
@rawex If you are interested in selling your rune please catch me on discord - fanjiii
by (32 points)
hello, may I ask when the prizes will be delivered? :)
by (11 points)
It is my fault, i wasn't aware no one was given their prizes before I responded, Fanjita told me today, so I am sending in my answer on the prize I want, so hopefully all gets Thier prizes in upcoming days, I am very sorry everyone.
by (1,027 points)