+1 vote
by (578 points)
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Big HAIL to the TibiaQA Staff members.

A few months after I sent my application for the position in the Staff as Moderator and never received any type of answer from the Staff, I assumed I was rejected. I really want to recommend two things, because this is the second time it happened to me.

Always an answer is welcome, even if that answer is for a rejection. A small generic text like ''Thanks for your application, we are very happy to see you interest on the project, unfortunately for the moment we think your profile does not match with what are we looking for, thanks once again for take the time to send your proposal and we hope see you in futures applications and taking part on the site with your questions and answers''

On the other hand if you still don't find a proper candidate, be more clear about what you are looking for, make a survey with the questions you need/want to know about the candidates.

I hope you don't take this message as rude or disrespectful, Is not my first time to recommend you some things to improve the site (Some of this even approved).

Kind Regards, Lulu.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,033 points)

Thank you for your question and recommendations. The fact that we did not move forward with any candidates does not mean we have rejected those applications. We constantly observe and evaluate the activity and behavior of the candidates on TibiaQA, and only when we are convinced someone will strengthen our team will we invite them to join. We prefer to maintain a small, committed, and trustworthy team, so we make our selections carefully.

You might be right that we should make our requirements and the recruitment process more explicit. I'll look into updating that information so that it is as clear as possible.

At the same time, as of today we still want to expand our team with the right people!