0 votes
by (51 points)

With the introduction of TibiaQA contribuition system, which is a long way to the prize, how can we avoid the farmer points only? This weekend I received a lot of e-mails from my questions form long time  ago being answered, so today I read about the news and I asked myself if ppl are just answering to farm points.

What is your opinion about that, and what can we do to avoid this behavior?

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (18 points)
As long as these "farmers" answear your questions properly, I see no problem on this behaviour.

On the contrary, it seems to me a desirable effect, as it will make the community more active.
by (10 points)
+1 I think this is exactly the intended consequence of adding the contribution system.
by (51 points)
Sure if the answer is good and help in some way I won't consider it as farming points. But I'm afraid of ppl just aswering anything, or even copying parts from others answers just earn points.
Idk if it will happen but I think we should consider as a situation that might occur
by (4,033 points)
If the new answer doesn't provide any new information, I don't see why anyone would up-vote it. I'd rather expect that the community down-votes it and the only effect is that the user loses points. Answering old questions is perfectly fine and expected. Many of the posted questions (over 200 - https://www.tibiaqa.com/review-queue) don't have an up-voted answer which means that the current answers are not yet satisfying.
+1 vote
by (16 points)
I don’t see anything wrong with this behaviour. The whole point of them offering item was to entice people to answer questions!
by (114 points)
Indeed, this is not the first time I see people complaining about gaining points through a contribution system, when that is actually the whole point. The important thing is that people put effort on what they do and deliver quality.
0 votes
by (50 points)

Also I see no problem in this. This is a very good idea with scoring points. TibiaQA  will gain activity, old questions will also be refreshed and people have a chance to get a wonderful item :) 

0 votes
by (388 points)
If answer is helpful I think it's okay. No matter what's the intentions, it makes TibiaQA alive!

But I've noticed that to put an aswer people used to write about things, they have no idea about. It's irritating, because they answers are misleading not helpful.

What is worse, I saw also plagiarism which is unfair and awful behave. :(
by (4,033 points)
This is exactly why downvoting is a crucial part of moderating any Q&A site. The community has a way to mark answers that are not helpful or incorrect, what moves those answers to the bottom, giving space for better answers to be on top of the page. If a user only posts incorrect answers then their reputation score remains low and is an indicator for people looking at the answer on what to expect (i.e. users with higher reputation can be trusted more easily)