+4 votes
by (4,054 points)
edited by
Hello everyone,

the number of points received for selecting the best answer for your question was reduced from 2 points to 1 point today (https://www.tibiaqa.com/moderation-rep-points). We feel that this feature is well-established now and does no longer require that high reward in the reputation points. Moreover, it could be strongly encouraging users to select any answer as the best, no matter if the answer was actually good or not.

In the future, we may need to consider whether selecting answers as best should reward any points.

Edit. Due to the above, all user points were recalculated.

Best regards,
TibiaQA.com team

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,027 points)
I was shocked to see such a change but I understand it.

I do see a lot more questions being asked now compared to months ago. Sadly I see a lot of questions that are easily answered. There's no real investigations going on anymore. I do love myself a good mystery and looking into questions. I spend hours on trying to find an answer sometimes even days or weeks. But lately I see questions that are answered within a click of a button. I think it's good to have all questions here without duplicates but geeze...I'd get downvoted if I asked a simple question like that months ago is what I think in my head lol

I think this change will be beneficial... There's some answers that should be reevaluated as best answer... People often won't select a new best answer even after they selected best answer (YOU can change it if there's a better answer)
by (27 points)
But please consider also that, people which are making questions having less (lets say) profits than people which are answering on those questions. I have moslty 0 votes up on my questions, sometimes 1/2. So when I have 0 votes i got only 3 points (now it will be 2), when person which made an answer will get 10-15 from me plus votes from other people :P
by (1,027 points)
yes..i see some people have only given out a small percentage of upvotes compared to what they received its quite rude
by (161 points)
I think so too. I often skip many questions myself, I try to ask only the interesting ones. I've never been in favor of being here for a prize. I enjoy helping, I will continue to do when I reach the reward too... but I feel a bit injured. I've been here for months every day, many people who started to be active long after me have already reached their rewards, and I may not even get a chance because the points are cut off and soon the threshold will be higher. I understand changes,  but I'm a bit disappointed with this.  as I wrote above - those who are honest also suffer from this.
by (274 points)
edited by
Sorry @Tynusiiaa but I disagree a little bit with you. There is another problem much bigger compared to this change made by the Admin of the fansite, and this other problem affects a lot more people making questions. I understand being injuried but I see it as a measure to make our userbase actually engage better and act as a real community.

I used to be the biggest user in terms of questions here (shawtay is technically tied with me now) and I saw that it was very evidently that many people do not give upvotes that frequently, making our score advance in a sluggish pace. I like to estimulate people around here and upvote good or useful content, no matter how simple or basic. I saw good questions made by me (with badges from good amount of views) with 1, 2 or 0 upvotes. But since I am a very welcoming person, I always upvote and select best answer for valid questions. This resulted in a weird feeling where people answering me do not upvote me as expected but I upvote and select best answer in order to make what we are supposed to do here.

Overall, I got a feeling where I "carry" around people with points but people will purposedly avoid upvoting questions. I would be less angry if people around could participate and engage more often in the recognition of valid and decent questions over here. I guess we had to see Ellotris change coming after all... It is sad that we had to lose points anyway.

Again, it is not a personal comment against you or anything (you are actually a very good user and I appreciate your effort here) but for me having so much users around nowadays and seeing my content with zero or barely one upvotes sometimes makes me wonder what I am doing wrong... A good touch here would be giving extra points for people generating traffic to the fansite.
by (61 points)
Very good point, FPoPP. Since when I started using Tibiaqa, I'm searching for some questions, tips etc. I also voted up for few of your questions that were really interesting to me. I think you got the badge for +10 votes on that charm question that I upvoted haha! But I agree with you, that people usually are not voting up. Not on answers, not on questions. I also wonder why.
+1 vote
by (274 points)

Although I got a huge punch due to this update, I applaud the initiative.

I have currently more than 150 questions without a best answer selection. Today earlier I had 3700 points (a little bit more I guess). Now I got a downgrade to 3530 points. Had I selected a bunch of best anwers sometime ago on all of my questions without best answers yet (getting 2 points in the old system), I would be able to harvest roughly 300 points at least, which would means the great prize of the website for me.

I think that it is more meaningful to get points from votes casted by other users rather than selecting the best answers by yourself so I am ok with this change, even being arguably the most affected by it (I think that I still is the number one in the ranking of questions made).

by (1,027 points)
LOL we both made 303 questions :D we're tied!
+1 vote
by (51 points)
I agree with the changes. Also believe this type of change should only be applied to questions created after this date. It is very unfair to change previously earned points.
0 votes
by (27 points)
Is that, why we lost some points now? Because I lost around 100 points now, and I don't know if there was something wrong or it's because of this update (I didn't get any email)
by (4,054 points)
Yes, all user points were recalculated
by (27 points)
Ok, so this explains everything :D Thanks!
0 votes
by (161 points)

In my opinion it shouldn't take the points gained. the new system should work now only... it's like getting owls after reaching 4k points and the 5,000 points act will come taking this owl back (such a loreffy with less than 4k points have owl, lol). It gets harder to get point now, people cheat and I understand it... but honest people like me who been on the site for a long time and help every day are harmed in this way. sad

by (1,027 points)
wow, i dont have any friends that use tibiaqa. i think it should be forbidden too but i dont know how they would even be able to tell. :/
by (61 points)
Do you have any evidence of what are you speaking of, Tynusiiaa? Then maybe you should show the proofs to admin, so he could do something about it. Else those are just empty words and bring toxic atmosphere.
by (161 points)
I observe user points and see that they sometimes get negative points. it means false traffic - mass vots from the same accounts (a friend usually, I don't think anyone had a second account) - that's how it was explained to me. it's just sometimes to seen. I'm not a toxic human type, though many would say that because I'm sincere. Don't be afraid for my intentions, they are always pure although not everyone perceives it that way.
by (61 points)
I'm not saying that you are toxic, but from what you write it looks like people should watch out whom they give vote up to not be considered as "cheaters". Anyway, I hope admins are checking it carefully in every case.