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by (74 points)

Today I asked about an items from Dawnport and my question was duplicated so I hided it, Do it make any difference hide a duplicate question? Or doesnt matter at all if I leave it visible?

I just wanted deleted the question cuz IMO is no sence have it let it if it is duplicated.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,046 points)
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It's ultimately up to the person that asked the question whether they would like to keep it or not, however there are two considerable pros of keeping it visible.

1. Per https://www.tibiaqa.com/moderation-close-delete duplicate questions are the only kind of questions that are not automatically removed from the TibiaQA by the system. This means you keep all the points you accumulate for asking the question. However it's up for a debate whether duplicate questions should keep their points - there are voices in the community that this shouldn't be a case - https://meta.tibiaqa.com/1730/should-duplicate-or-closed-questions-keep-their-points

2. Sometimes the questions are duplicate, but they are asked in a completely different manner. This helps people who also search for the same answers but asking in a different way to find those answers.