I have a very strong opinion about this. I think that many times it's very easy to spot that a question is being added just for the sake of earning points, even if the question is well written. I'm not going to give examples to avoid pointing fingers, but it's obvious when it would have been faster to google that and find the information on any fansite than writing a question here.
As a general rule, I ask myself if there are, on fansites that cover that type of content, pages that are obviously about the focus of the question (e.g. an item or creature on a wiki, or a quest spoiler on any guide fansite), and if the required information is clearly presented there. Of course, it's not unusual that a question directly mentions one more fansites with information that the player found to be incorrect, imprecise or missing - that I consider perfectly fine.
An argument against this is that TibiaQA is its own fansite and should have all information on its own. Of course that TibiaQA is and should be independent, but I also think it should focus on the type of content on which it excels - answers to questions that aren't obvious. Needless to say, we have dozens of examples of those, some of which I had a lot of fun answering myself.
So yes, I do downvote easy-to-answer questions, but thinking about it thoroughly I think I do it mostly when I see the user is trying to "cheat" the point system. I have no interest in pushing away new users that aren't familiar with the best practices, those I think can be educated following everything Ellotris posted.