+10 votes
by (4,033 points)
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In order to celebrate the Fansite Appreciation Day, the promoted and supported fansites have decided to host a contest together for the whole Tibian community! As a part of this contest, your task is to craft a fansite item in real life. Here are the details.

How to participate

  1. Craft a fansite item of any active, promoted, or supported fansite in real life from any materials you wish. You can see a list of all possible fansite items here.
  2. Take a picture of what you have crafted, including a label containing your character name and the current date.
  3. Submit this picture on any participating fansite until April 18, 2021, 23:59 CEST
    • For TibiaQA please submit your entry as an answer to this topic

Choosing winners

All of the entries will be forwarded to the internal fansite board for voting. Fansite admins and Community Managers will pick and vote on their favorite entries from all the submitted pictures until April 25, 2021. The winning entries will be announced on the week of April 26.


First Placegolden warrior trophyimagenightmare dollimage
Second Placesilver warrior trophyimageblue sphereimage
Third Placebronze warrior trophyimageblue sphereimage
Fourth Placebadge of gloryimage20 x silver raid tokenimage
Fifth Placehero's medalimage20 x silver raid tokenimage


  • Participants may post as many submissions as they want. However, they are only eligible for one prize.
  • Attempts to plagiarize or reuse crafts from previous contests will result in disqualification of the participant.

Good luck!

closed with the note: The time to submit contest entries is over. Thanks for all the submissions! Winners will be announced in around a week.
by (1,027 points)
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Sounds like a fun contest I might participate, GL to all :)
by (12 points)
shawtay I don't know if I understood correctly, should I choose a picture from the fansites listed and develop at home with materials such as paper, paint, cardboard etc ...?
by (74 points)
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English: Hello Jad! Yes, you need to create one of the items from any Fansite listed here. You can use paper, cardboard, et cetera... https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=fansites

10 Answers

+5 votes
by (1,027 points)
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Omniscient Owl | TibiaQA | Shawtay | Pacera

Submitted on April 7, 2021, for Fansite Appreciation Day. A little bit about my thinking process- I wanted to replicate the idea of receiving a stamped parcel, opening it up, and finding a label and a present with an owl inside! I had the honor of contributing to TibiaQA and earning the owl myself so I knew I wanted to make a real-life owl. I actually love these owls so much I bought a second one in Tibia.

by (579 points)
Grandma would be very proud of those skills :#
+2 votes
by (21 points)

En agradecimiento a los fansites, Aqui les muestro mi creatividad, no crecemos cuando las cosas se vuelven faciles, lo hacemos cuando afrontamos nuestros desafios, un poco dificil pero pude lograr realizar el Dark wizard's crown, con un poco de esfuerzo podemos lograr la meta.

+2 votes
by (28 points)

Fansite Appreciation Day | The Epic Wisdom

Submitted on April 16, 2021, for the Fansite Appreciation Day. I have always loved how this hat looks and I had a lot of fun making a real one. Thanks!
+2 votes
by (21 points)

A knitted miniature midnight panther doll in its jungle.

I made the panther out of some leftover wool yarn I had laying around. Added some reflective yarn in the eye to replicate the sparkle animation. The effect wasn't quite as strong as I had hoped so I also made this GIF; https://gyazo.com/f37bd3a64d596444b57c5ffd047210ad (hehe).


+2 votes
by (21 points)
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En agradecimiento del dia de fansites, con mucha alegria y gratitud hemos relizado este buho en casa junto a mi esposa e hijos, nos divertimos mucho, lo realizamos en material reciclable y compratiendo ideas, esperemos les guste  a la comunidad tibiana, atentamente AIRKAIN, gracias

+2 votes
by (21 points)
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Mini NabBot | Fernando Savater | Faluna

Submitted on April 18, 2021, for Fansite Appreciation Day. How would mini NabBot look like after a strict diet? See picture above ^^ I hope you all enjoy this picture of my creation! 

Heavily Bound Book | Fernando Savater | Faluna

Submitted on April 18, 2021, for Fansite Appreciation Day. All the Tibia mysteriando's hidden in this heavily bound book! 

Epaminondas Doll | Fernando Savater | Faluna

Submitted on April 18, 2021, for Fansite Appreciation Day. Last work I created with the left over leather of the heavily bound book! 

by (4,033 points)
Hello Fernando. Thank you for your entry. As of now, I'm sorry to say that those pictures do not qualify to participate per this point:

"Take a picture of what you have crafted, including a label containing your character name and the current date."

None of your pictures includes a label with a character name and a date. You can still upload valid entries while the contest lasts (until April 18, 2021, 23:59 CEST). After this date, there won't be any way to submit correct pictures I'm afraid.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you make it in time!
by (21 points)
Thank you so much! I managed to take the photos with the labels in time...

Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the judges like my creations!
+2 votes
by (21 points)
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Adamant Shield | Royal Starstorm | Vunira

This shield is such a dream item to me ✨

by (4,033 points)
Hello. Thank you for your entry. As of now, I'm sorry to say that this picture does not qualify to participate per this point:

"Take a picture of what you have crafted, including a label containing your character name and the current date."

Your picture does not include a label with a character name and a date. You can still upload a valid entry while the contest lasts (until April 18, 2021, 23:59 CEST). After this date, there won't be any way to submit correct pictures I'm afraid.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you make it in time!
+2 votes
by (21 points)

Crunor’s Heart / TibiaQA / Mahiru / FalunaSubmitted on 18 April 2021, for Fansite Appreciation Day. 

+2 votes
by (388 points)


Here is my interpretation of TibiaQA's Omniscient Owl in real life. Hope you like it!

Character: Makadamia

Server: Bona

+2 votes
by (22 points)

Crunor's Heart | TibiaQA | Dinyus Poulain | Talera
