Character: Makadamia
World: Bona
Hello there!
A symbol of huge knowledge whole over the world is definitely an Owl. It was my first thought. Simple, clear and nice idea. I decided to create a mascot for in my favourite 3D style, not just view from the front of the item.
Name: Omniscient Owl (You can also give it a personal name, to make it more unique.)
Weight: 9.10 oz.
Description: This inconspicious owl will answer your every question. Awarded by
You see an Omniscient Owl. It weighs 9.10 oz. This inconspicious owl will answer your every question. Awarded by
"Hoo Hoo!"
"I don't carry letters!"
"I think, therefore I am..."
Greetings <player>, are you the one hoo seeks answers?"
"I will answer you, but first I'll rest a bit."
"I know the answer!"
Light: green, 3 SQM
Here is my basic design:
1st frame - 4000 ms delay
2nd, 3rd and 4th frame - 150 ms delay
I designed some reactions on Owl's sounds:
Sound after using the item is random, but when "I will answer you, but first I'll rest a bit." appears - it will start an ingame animation:
And our little owl stays with closed eyes for a while (for example 5000 ms).
Next animation works one time, after our little owl says "I know the answer!", then she lift her finger (or maybe feather?)... well, saying overall - wing.
1st frame - 1000 ms delay
2nd-5th frame - 100 ms delay
6th-10th frame - 200 ms delay
11th-15th frame - 100 ms delay
16th frame - 200 ms delay
After "Hoo Hoo!" Owl starts moving and it works till next use of the item:
1st-5th frame - 200 ms delay
6th-11th frame - 150 ms delay
12th frame - 200 ms delay
Last animation appears after "Hail!" - then appears magical spark in light green color, second one is in the "?" shape :)
all frames - 150 ms delay
Hope you like my work, it was fun to create it for you. Good luck to the rest of participants! :)