+7 votes
by (4,046 points)
retagged by

TibiaQA.com is proudly announcing the fourth edition of the Question Revival contest! This contest aims to increase the quality of answers to the existing questions and reward users that contribute to this quality by reviewing and posting improved answers.

How to participate?

  1. Browse through questions that were asked before 1. January 2023; pay special attention to:
    - Unanswered questions
    - Questions without any upvoted answer
    - Questions without the best answer selected
    - Questions with most views
    - Questions with most votes
  2. Check whether those questions have correct and solid answers
  3. If you find out a better answer can be provided, go ahead and post one
  4. Post a link to your answer on this topic (max 3 answers per user)

Contest rules:

  • The contest runs from 24. March 2023 00:01 CET, until 23. April 2023 23:59 CEST
  • Users participate by answering questions and submitting their entries as detailed in the section above - How to participate
  • All posted content must follow TibiaQA guidelines - answers that fail to do so will be removed and will not participate in the contest
  • Answers that are identical to already existing ones or very similar will be removed at once and will not participate in the contest
  • TibiaQA.com staff cannot participate in the contest


  1. Omniscient OwOmniscient Owll + Golden Trophy of Excellence + Hero's medal + Rune emblem of choice + 50 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  2. Silver Trophy of Excellence + Elven trophy + Rune emblem of choice + 25 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA
  3. Bronze Trophy of Excellence + Badge of glory + Rune emblem of choice + 10 bonus reputation points on TibiaQA

Picking top answers:

  • The top 6 answers will be selected by the TibiaQA.com team and forwarded to the CMs and fansite admins
  • The selection will be impacted by several factors:
    • The quality of the answer (as per How to provide good answers?)
    • How popular is the answered question based on the number of views and votes (popular questions are favored)
    • Whether the answered question had an answer or not (questions without answers are favored)
    • How complete and correct were the existing answers (questions that had incomplete/incorrect answers are favored)
  • The CMs and fansite admins will vote for their favorite answers from the top 6
  • The winning answers are announced based on the received votes from the CMs and fansite admins (estimate - 29. April) and the winners are announced on Meta TibiaQA

Feel free to post a comment under this topic in case of any questions regarding the contest!

Good luck!
The TibiaQA.com team.

Q: If I posted an answer before the contest started, but made changes to that answer while the contest lasts, does it participate?
A: If there were substantial edits, and the answer was completely reworked (e.g. because you found out your previous answer was wrong) you can participate with that answer.

Don't forget to link your answers to participate! Deadline: 23. April 2023 23:59 CEST

closed with the note: The contest is over. We aim to announce the winners by the end of April.
by (274 points)
Good luck everyone!! Enjoy another amazing contest!
by (1,027 points)
Good Luck to all!!!
by (10 points)
moved by
Must showed by default "Best Answer" in order to participate. :x
by (4,046 points)
Hey all! Just letting you know that we will be announcing the winners a bit later than anticipated. We expect to publish the results of the contest around May, 5.

12 Answers

+1 vote
by (276 points)
0 votes
by (14 points)

Hello everyone, 

Libi from Lobera here! I would like to wish everyone the best of luck with this contest! 

Adding in two of my own answers below (might add a third if I have time):

1. What are all shortcuts/transports of regular areas of tibia? - TibiaQA

2. It is possible to enter Ekatrix lair with pz skull? - TibiaQA

0 votes
by (11 points)
0 votes
by (13 points)

Hi ;D 

Character: Eriica Sar 
World: Lobera 

1. "What's the criteria to imbue boots with powerful Swiftness?"  In this question I tested a lot of boots to deduce the criteria and I have not found any pair of boots that doesn't follow the one I mentioned in my answer. 
Link: https://www.tibiaqa.com/31815/whats-the-criteria-to-imbue-boots-with-powerful-swiftness?show=33194#a33194

2.. "What is the best route to check Countess Sorrow?" In this question I added a detalied image of the route to the Countess Sorrow (Phantasm Boss) and a quick route to get out of Pits on Inferno (From the phantasms seal to the outside) 
Link: https://www.tibiaqa.com/31940/what-is-the-best-route-to-check-countess-sorrow-spawn 

0 votes
by (11 points)
by (4,046 points)
Hello! Thank you for your submissions.
Just letting you know that the first answer you submitted is on a question posted only a couple of days ago. According to the contest rules, only answers on questions asked before 2023 are valid submissions. You can still submit another entry, as long as you can do it before the contest deadline.
0 votes
by (11 points)
0 votes
by (11 points)
I Answered this question:

My character name is: Airon Arrowstorm - World: Nefera
(i answered as Airon Lonestrike and without register a account, so i don't know if it is a problem)
by (4,046 points)
Hello! Thank you for your submission. It looks like you left a comment instead of an answer. Feel free to repost it as an answer and make sure to be logged in this time :)