+2 votes
by (583 points)
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First of all, I just wanna say, all people here can confirm how many time I have around here, with Zupa, im one of the most active user, I really enjoy the the site.

@Ello, also I have a lot respect and never have problem with any user, but yesterday you disable the option to write in your wall and thats is really bad option, because look like you just pass from us (Closing the most easy way to contact with you). My apologies if this sound irrespectfull.

The problem:

All the systems haves bugs or weakness, the difference is a you need force somenthing or break somenthing (Rule) to use a bug, the weakness is just something who all can do but without breking nothing in these case the rules.

Edit 1. Creating multiple accounts or asking friends to mass up-vote your content will be treated as cheating and will result in a punishment in form of reduced points or suspension of the user account!

I have friend on the site and he like my posts, none rule say he as my FRIEND cant upvote, at the end looks like you can get mass upvote BUT of the strange people (So, is not multiple accounts and Im not asking friends right?). We cant get a punishment by got upvotes from friends.

One thing is upvote by example a question or answer who broke the rules, but is too ilogical if this is not the case. 

Im totaly agree, we need moderate it thats why I propose it the following easy solutions.

The solutions:

I suggest a easy way to do it,  implement a rule who user just can't upvote another user X number of times, every X time, like a CD. By example 10 upvotes per day to the same user.

Another easy way is just tell me, how much votes are considerer a mass upvote?.

With this, people who have friend, wife, guild friends or whatever can upvote their friends but not make mass upvote in a some hours.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (4,054 points)
edited by

Thanks for starting this topic, Trululu.

@Ello, also I have a lot respect and never have problem with any user, but yesterday you disable the option to write in your wall and thats is really bad option, because look like you just pass from us (Closing the most easy way to contact with you).

I've disabled the ability to post on my wall, as people started using it for wrong purposes. Discussing the site should always happen here, on meta.tibiaqa.com. For specific, user-facing problems that someone wants to keep secret, either an e-mail address or feedback form can be used.

I suggest a easy way to do it,  implement a rule who user just can't upvote another user X number of times, every X time, like a CD. By example 10 upvotes per day to the same user.

 As you stated a few lines above, all systems/rules have weaknesses and can be abused. This particular one can be abused by creating mutliple accounts and then voting, as soon as you run out of your 10 daily votes. The solution here is not to find "the perfect system". A solution is to encourage community to be fair.

I've never stated that friends or guild mates cannot upvote your content. They are most encouraged to do so. But if their only intention of using this site is to raise your points, that stops being fair to the community. I've also explained this a little more in my topic here: https://meta.tibiaqa.com/725/warning-on-cheating-the-contribution-system.

by (583 points)
I never read it before, sorry by it (About how use the options of wall). It's good know this.
by (583 points)
Im agree with you and if friends can upvote friends. lets gonna draw the line of fair/unfair with the number.

how much votes to a same user are considerer a mass upvote?.
how much votes to a same user are considerer fair?.
by (4,054 points)
I think you are completely missing the point here. You can't draw a line on a total number of votes and call one amount fair and another amount unfair. Even one vote can be considered unfair if the only intention it was cast was to raise a specific player's points. The votes are meant to be a measure of how useful the questions and answers are and that's what they are supposed to be used for.
by (583 points)
So, if a single vote can consider unfair, tell me how you considerer what upvote is unfair?.

At the end you don't have same view as others users, do if I considere X answer/question of friend have a value (And upvote it) how you can considerer if i'm wrong on my opinion?, at the end depends of the view of each user. Thats why I think is better put a number, with number the points of view dont enter in conflic about the value of X or Y and we as user not be afraid by upvote something thinking if the admin or mod gonna because they dont see it with same eyes.

Another think is you say me, the right point of view to know if X question/answer have value is your point and the mods or at least this is most important than regular users.
by (4,054 points)
I've already explained what is considered unfair above. If a user deliberately upvotes the content of another user (or is asked to do so) without taking into consideration what the post even is about - that's unfair. I've already explained why what you proposed doesn't work and can be abused. We have one simple rule - don't ask anyone to vote on your content and it will be fine.
by (583 points)
Fine, just hope dont see in future more reduce of points if there is no way to know exactly if the user wanna upvote something by themselves or not (At least if the Q/A have a value and dont break any rule).
by (51 points)
You can identify easily a group of ppl given mass upvote, you have question with -2 votes and answer fo the same question with +7, and very low quality questions. I know that everyone in some moment will make few badly questions, but all the time asking nonsense?
In the other hand you have some very good questions with almost 0 upvotes, but the answers fo the same guys always have mass upvotes.
by (583 points)
@lehula dohon, you describe the most obvius cases, but think on a good answer/question upvoted ONE time by friend, how you considerer it as mass upvote?