I fixed a few the entire idea for easiness yet i understand is too long, sorry for it..
Ok i think the trouble with votes is that people doesn't feel encouraged to learn, just see this as a game to climb up, that's why people keep doing low quality content.
Also, i know not all Members, less not all High point members could see all the questions or answers daily, neither they are forced to vote, but in a few days i have seen various question that i seem as quality one, question that not even the active community (mods, High points members) vote up, maybe they don't like it or so but imo active members should be the first person into trying to improve questions so they could give an upvote instead a downvote. to moderate imo is to prevent such low quality content, and to prevent low quality content we should encourage the high quality content and that imply too to help those low quality question which could be certainly better to improve, so community would see that as "well if i do a bad question the moderators would be there to explain me what i did wrong and could i improve" instead of "if i do low quality question i would be punished by moderators, yet i don't really understood why i did low quality content so the best thing i could do is to don't post anymore"
another thing i have seen a lot of people here (high points member) complaining about their answers not being enoughly rewarded, that's a trouble, the fight is a trouble first because is on the middle of post, second because they focus their anger on the "other answer" i mean that's horrible. that seems like envy more than willing to help, if someone choose other answer beside yours the trouble was the author of the post not the other who answered, that discourages a lot the ppl and seems childish, we shouldn't be here fighting due that worst i have seen ppl giving down votes as punishment because that person got the best answer or so... that is what turn the whole system a trouble.
Finally i understand we can't control ppl, but we could promote the good conducts and discourage the bad things, Active members should be there to prevent such fights, to prevent abuses too. Now how this would help with the voting flagging thing?
Well members will first stop posting for fun, then what would encourage them to post is that we wouldn't punish the low quality content at the first sight, we would try to encourage members to improve their content and if they accomplish it we would up vote their questions due we find them worthy, then members would try to do good question or wouldn't do question at all. then the answers should satisfy the entire question, we would be there to encourage full answers, also to point that x or y answer if half done, finally as the idea is to give full answers we would punish those low effort answers or turn them comments. finally not rewarding and even better trying to stop those bad behaviours on comments of answers due troubles not related to the question itself.
Oh about encouraging new questions! adding daily tasks. people often try to do a lot of questions all in a row, most of those question low effort so instead giving points for doing question, doing daily task for points
Do 1 question 5 points
-remember than low effort questions could lead a punishment-
Have a daily streak of log-in 5 days 1 point. (just to encourage ppl to join, not to make this a farm).
Answer 1 question: 5 points
Etc etc etc. would be certainly low quality content but the rate would be years lower, and could be discouraged and we could try to help them improve their content.
Talking about the third point: I suggest that once the best answer were selected u couldn't edit the question.
Finally i would repass the whole thing and how work the structure just to recap what i have said:
High point members would NOW encourage others, giving downvotes when their content is low effort but can be improved, help them improve, when the member who gave the downvote find the content worthy would remove the downvote, then would UPVOTE for doing a good content (thing that actually DOESNT happen).
We as community would encourage the efforts, checking posts AND VOTING if we find it worthy. Also we would discourage fights between members that weren't meaningful (quick example that whole fight between member's answers by what answer was better).
Moderators and high points members would put their effort to countermeasure those members who are high points holders too but generate more troubles than help, specially those who use downvotes to discourage others to create content cuz "they don't like the member".
The whole Daily Task and 5 days daily streak point would only be meaningful for those who enjoy doing mission, would bring joy to open the page but wouldn't encourage them to do low effort content, and even if encourage them a few to do low effort questions, those questions would be a lot less than what are now. AND we as community would be able to encourage them to effort, yet if they don't effort anymore we would be free to downvote them as punishment for trying to provide just low effort content w/o meaning.
We need a worthy community more than a huge community, if people just come here to farm without providing quality content they are worthless, and we shouldn't hesitate discourage them to do low effort content ONCE we did our part and tried to help them improve. yet we need members who encourage them and at the moment this isn't happening, high point members doesn't encourage enough, and that's the whole trouble, they "moderate" yet they don't help others, they don't show support for others, for me someone who is there only to point your faults isn't worthy neither due for that we have actual moderators.
So imo, if we want to turn this an active and worthy community we have to get the trouble by the root and the root of this trouble is that there's not sense into providing quality content if people here doesn't encourage it neither support it, and that's community fault. I remember when i joined this system and the whole idea was "lets encourage others to do good things, good content, etc" all the day i saw old members discussing to help, commenting to encourage others improve their content, or even to prevent a flag on their question, that's how is supposed to be, but for a community like that work we need:
Common sense more than automatized systems.
Worthiness into helping others (that require common sense from mods to see who actually encourage a better community)
Ways to encourage people to join the whole community as a member and not as a farmer.
More reason to the members to be active part of the community due are members who give life to this community and this page. not neccessarily with points but the whole idea is to encourage them to be here HELPING or MODERATING or doing something more constantly and not being here only to try get points.
in the end, when i joined here was the community who were going to create a meaningful ecosystem where community itself punish the bad behaviour and that was the whole point on getting points, so far i know that didn't change so we shouldn't hesitate to stop the bad behaviour from the root, and we should start being that live ecosystem with active community helping, not people specting to get a lot of points to be above the rules, the rules are there to be followed by members and even if is a high member who break the rule, we as community should have the right to punish the bad behaviour.
I know that im taking longer than... but at this rate i need to give examples:
-low points member do low effort question:
Community: -comment the issue-
-LP Member improves
Community: -rewards good content.
-LP Member doesn't improve, even complain or attack:
Community: punish with downvote such behaviour UNTIL that LP member reconsider
-LP Member reconsider and retract on its wrong behaviour but people even so punish him with downvotes. (probably forgot)
Moderator: Restart the votes on that post.
-LP Member suddenly receives a lot of downvotes on their account or in an specific post w/o ANY reason.
Moderator: takes action (review the trouble, if needed talks with the members and if needed punish).
-LP Member is receiving power abuse from High Points Member.
Moderator and/or Other HP members: Punish the bad behaviour.
-HP Member provides overall bad behaviour BUT doesn't break any explicit rule:
Moderator: require using common sense to PUNISH the bad behaviour. Also if needed create a new rule about possible power abuse or trouble with wrongly use of moderation tools.
-Community discuss off topic, troubles not related with the question or similar:
-HP community and Moderators: Use the common sense to stop the fight and if they continue with the bad behaviour PUNISH the bad behaviour (members with downvotes on the troubles or flags and Moderation with points or what were needed).
We don't need rules for every issue that shows up (even if rules are good), we need more common sense and more authority.
Neither we need high points members who abuse from rules, if they provide a bad behaviour they need to be punished with points, they are supposed to be worthy for the community and help it, not people who avoid/break rules and we should allow them be cuz are high points members and there's nothing we could do.