0 votes
by (583 points)
Any chance to get at least 1 point to the people who upvote a Q/A?. Maybe this can work to promote this option, you know something to help each user.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (4,046 points)
I feel that those wouldn't be quality votes. People would just mass up-vote or down-vote everything in order to receive points for voting. Maybe if we limited the number of votes you can cast and reduced the rewaord for voting to like 0.1 points..?
by (583 points)
Reduce by X votes per X time (Like the questions) and reduced the reeward by 0.2.
0 votes
by (13 points)
i think it will just make pep able to farm points by upvoting on everything so not really a good idea
by (51 points)
If they start to upvote alot they will be ban, trust me rsrs
by (583 points)
0.1 or 0.2 meh dont work as you think!